If you’ve lived in Wisconsin long enough (like us), you know snow days are just a part of life. The kind where the roads are disgusting, the schools are closed, and the only real option is to stay home and ride it out. For breastfeeding moms, these un
expected days off can feel out of the norm. On one hand, you’re stuck inside. On the other, it’s a golden opportunity to slow down, cuddle up with your baby, and embrace some much-needed bonding time.
Snow Days: Nature’s Way of Forcing Us to Pause
Let’s be for real—life as a mom doesn’t exactly slow down, even when everything else does. But snow days have a funny way of pressing pause on all the chaos. No errands to run, no work commute to stress over. It’s just you, your little one, and all the time in the world. And if you’re breastfeeding, this can be such a special time to lean into those quiet moments.
Imagine it: the snow is falling outside, the house is cozy and warm, and you’ve got your baby nestled close, nursing in the stillness. There’s something about these days that makes everything feel a little softer, a little sweeter.
Making the Most of a Snow Day with Baby
Snow days aren’t just a chance to stay home—they’re a chance to reconnect. Without the usual hustle and distractions, you can really focus on your baby’s needs and maybe even get in a little extra snuggle time.
If you’re pumping during the workweek, a snow day might mean skipping the pump (hallelujah!) and nursing on demand. Trust me, your baby will love it, and so will your milk supply. Plus, it’s a great way to remind yourself of how beautiful and natural breastfeeding can be when there’s no rush.
And let’s not forget about the oxytocin—that magical “love hormone” that gets released when you’re nursing. It’s like an instant mood boost. Pair that with the peace and quiet of a snow day, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for feeling a little more human, even if you’re buried under a mountain of laundry.
Snow Day Survival Tips for Breastfeeding Moms
Here are a few things I’ve learned from surviving Wisconsin winters with a baby:
• Build Your Cozy Corner: Find your favorite blanket, grab your nursing pillow, and set up shop somewhere warm. Bonus points if you’ve got a window to watch the snow fall.
• Follow Baby’s Lead: Snow days are made for tossing the schedule out the window. Nurse when they’re hungry (or just want comfort) and soak up the extra bonding time.
• Keep Yourself Warm and Fed: You can’t pour from an empty cup—or make milk, for that matter. Stay hydrated, eat something warm, and give yourself a little grace.
• Enjoy the Little Things: After nursing, take some time to just be with your baby. Read a book, play peek-a-boo, or just watch the snow together. These moments are fleeting, and they’ll mean the world to you someday.
Turning Snow Days into Memories
Sure, snow days can be inconvenient, but they can also be magical. Whether it’s your baby’s chubby fingers reaching for the frosty window or the way they sigh and snuggle closer during a feed, these are the moments that make it all worth it. You might not remember the chaos of winter storms, but you’ll definitely remember the quiet, cozy days you spent with your baby in your arms.
So, when the next snowstorm hits and you find yourself homebound, try to see it as a blessing in disguise. Use it as a chance to slow down, bond with your baby, and soak in the sweetness of this stage of life. Because let’s face it—Wisconsin winters might be cold, but the love and connection you build with your little one will keep you both warm.